Sunday, June 15, 2014

Seoul 2014: Day 3 Part II (Samcheongdong, Insadong)

23 MAY: Gyeongbokgung
                            Bukchon Hanok Village
                      +Imun Seolnongtang

From Bukchon Hanok Village, we headed down to Samcheongdong!

Bukchon Hanok Village and Samcheongdong are quite close. I don't have the exact directions cause I used the trusty Google maps yet again. But it was simply a straight uphill walk from Bukchon Hanok Village.

Unfortunately, I've always had this impression that Samcheongdong was full of cool wall graffiti so I think I entered Samcheongdong without realising that I was in it.

The photos below are the ones I took because I simply thought that I was passing by a really pretty place. I only realised that they are pictures of Samcheongsong after watching an episode of Running Man.

Even though there is a majority of shops with more pricey items, I managed to chance upon some shops selling snapbacks, clothes etc at reasonable prices!

And this is the graffiti that the Monday Couple posed with!!! Can't believe that I went there before *0*

Anyway, one of the main reasons why I wanted to go to Samcheongdong was for the Patbingsu!

You will notice this sign on your left as you walk along Samcheongdong

Huidong's Mom (희동아 엄마다)
Seoul, Jongno-gu Sogyeok-dong 104
The price is around 13000KRW

I felt that it was a little pricey as compared to Homilbat but their red bean is really rich and lovely.

The cafe has a 'warm home' kind of environment with lots of pink around. A very cute doll-house like cafe. 

Next up, Insadong!

To get there: Anguk Station (안국역) Line 3 - Exit 6
Walk straight from the exit and you will see the entrance to the Insadong area on your left. It's really obvious so you can't miss it. There will be a tourist information booth infront of you as well. 

Insadong sells souvenirs with the local traditional flavour at reasonable prices. Most of the shops sell the same few items so you might want to visit a few shops before buying anything. There's probably only going to be 1000-2000won differences but you should save as much as you can while travelling!

The main attraction of Insadong is Ssamziegil. 

To get there:
With your back facing the information booth, walk straight down the lane. Ssamziegil will be on your right. 

The things at Ssamziegil are mostly handmade or designed by the local designers so you can expect them to be rather pricey. The design of the building makes it such that as you walk along the aisles, you automatically go up to the next level and finally to the rooftop. You don't notice that as there isn't any obvious slope as you walk.

There are some random pop-up 'photo booths' along the way up so make sure to look out for them!

After walking around Insadong, it was time for dinner and we headed to Imun Seolnongtang (

Although it was sort of out of the way but I really wanted to try it so we still went to look for it :)

To get there: Jonggak Station Line 1 - Exit 3

I used the google maps to get there and it was unfortunately yet another complicated route. It's isolated on its own at the bottom of some old building. You'll have to spot it's sign in korean words to find it when you are near it. 

Imun Seolnongtang
Imun Seolnongtang (이문설농탕)

38-20, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Gyeonji-dong)
The price is 7000KRW for the most basic Seolnongtang

It was really one of the nicest food I had in Seoul. It looks plain but the soup is really super nice. The beef is even better! You have to add in the salt on your own to bring out the flavour of the soup. Maybe because it is an old restaurant, the kimchi tastes a lot better than the rest I tried too.

With that, its the end of day 2.                              

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