Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Seoul 2014: Day 5 Part II (Noryangjin Fish Market, Hongdae)

25 MAY: Noryangjin Fish Market

At Hongdae: First stop, the Trickeye Museum!

As of now, Singapore already has it's own Trickeye Museum so I feel that you should just go for the one in Singapore. I heard that it's almost similar. But if i'm not wrong, there isn't the Ice Museum which comes together with the Trickeye Museum ticket. 

To get there: Hong-ik University Station (홍대입구역) Line 2 - Exit 9. Make your second left after exit, and then make second right after Starbucks, and walk for about two blocks. 

This is about half of the area. There's a small slide at the
back that you can play with. 
Trick Eye Museum + Ice Museum (트릭아이미술관)

Honestly, there isn't much in the Ice Museum. I went there when it was near summer so I dressed light. But it's extremely cold in the Ice Museum and they don't provide jackets for you or anything. Furthermore, you can't exit to get warm and enter again because the ticket is one-entry. It's quite small and there's just various ice sculptures things for you to take pictures with while you are freezing inside.
Next, we just roamed around the Hongdae area. Unfortunately, it started raining so we headed to the Hello Kitty Cafe* to get shelter and food. Google Maps came to help yet again. 

Interior of the Hello Kitty Cafe at Hongdae

Fresh Cream Waffle: 2500KRW
Drinks: ~3000KRW
Tiramisu: ~6000KRW

I loved the fresh cream waffle. Normally, I don't like to eat fresh cream but theirs tasted great with the waffle. 

*The Hongdae outlet has closed based on

Another stopover for us was StyleNanda! We found the place with help from the people in red. Not sure if I mentioned this before but there are people who wear red vests with a big 'i' who are there to help lost tourists like us. They are mostly around tourist attraction areas like Bukchon Hanok Village, Hongdae, Myeongdong, etc.

My friend and I wanted to go there for the free photobooth and not really for the clothes or makeup. Hahaha. Their clothes are relatively expensive but their makeup is really popular. Everyone who was in the shop mainly crowd around the makeup corner. 

I bought their nail polish at 4000KRW because I love painting my nails. Their nail polish is really not bad. The brush is flat and it's really easy to apply the nail polish on your nails. They have a wide range of colours available there. I recommend you to get some to try it out. 

Shopping at Hongdae means slightly higher prices compared to Ehwa but there are a lot of shops that sells things that are less common. Less common in the sense that the shops in Ehwa pretty much sells the same things but Hongdae has more variety which explains the higher prices. 

Now time for dinner!

Being a huge fan of Running Man,I wanted to try the BBQ shop that Haha opened. It used to be called Paljamakchang and Gary has another outlet at Gangnam area as well. But after renovation, it's called 401 now. 

There's no more grilled intestines like in Paljamakchang which I wanted to try so that's quite sad. But there's of course Samgyeopsal!

The menu with the prices.

There's nothing special for the samgyeopsal and all but it was a decent dinner to end the day!

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